For efforts in preserving the beauty of the land upon which I live and practice, and in modeling harmony, living according to the seasons and length of the day, I express gratitude and respect for the Massachusett Tribe of Indigenous People, from whom the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has taken its name.
This website has been created by a human, without algorithmic assistance. It is intended to present accurate, thoughtful, and inspiring content that invites exploration.

TRADITIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The ideas presented here derive from the perennial wisdom of many traditions. I acknowledge the fields Astrology (from Babylonian to Modern Psychological, Evolutionary, and Shamanic); Anthroposophy; Hermetics; Transcendentalism; Depth Psychology; Humanistic/Relational/Gestalt Psychology; Trauma Informed Somatics; Eastern and Western Mysticism; and Indigenous Spirituality. I extend gratitude to thought leaders, including Dane Rudhyar; Mark Edmund Jones; C.C. Zain; Edgar Cayce; Rudolf Steiner; Parahamsa Yogananda; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Carl Jung; Abraham Maslow; Fritz Perls, Irving Yalom; Ken Wilbur; Slow Turtle; Frances McEvoy; Philip Sedgwick; Jeffrey Wolf Green; David Roell; Chris Flisher; Bunny Paine-Clemes; Donna Eden; Barbara Brennan; Animika; Carolyn Myss; Thomas Huebl, and friends who add to the flowing waters of life.