- WHEN BODY, MIND (mental and emotional), AND SPIRIT (inter, intra, and transpersonal perspectives) ARE ALIGNED, THERE IS GREATER FLOW.
THE PLANETARY LINE UP One way to get into flow is to understand the impact of the planets, all arranged in a personal design within a circular mandala. The personal and social planets, the Lunar Nodal Axis and Major Asteroids, held in check by Saturn, create the developmental base. The Sun, the Moon, and Earth create the eclipse dynamics. Chiron opens the bridge that leads to the transpersonal planets which function to facilitate psychospiritual development. This grouping is held in check by Pluto, who not so subtly aims to broaden consciousness. Then, the cutting edge bodies push the psyche out to areas of expanded consciousness. Understanding these dynamic energies, as demonstrated through the ever-changing cosmic weather (planets moving through space, at their own speed and direction, in relationship to each other) encourages greater ability to live connected to purpose and meaning.

The Sun, representing the fire of creativity, is the Invincible Spirit. A piece of the Sun is held within each person, thereby interweaving vitality with purpose. So great is the universal wonder of the Sun that it must come in small doses, distributed in powerful increments as it travels over the course of a year. While in actuality, all planetary bodies encircle the Sun, the Sun's apparent position, as seen from Earth, symbolizes the active presence of the Divine. At this New Moon (February 27, 2025), the Sun joins the Moon at 9 Pisces 40. The Sun is warming up, all life beneath the surface begins to stir.

The Moon is the Receiver, reflecting the Sun's invincible spirit through her silver light. She catches the emotional attachments and patterns developed in response to the world. The Moon is paired with Saturn, as they rule opposite signs, and she is in an ever-changing relationship with the Sun over the course of the month. The Moon delights in shape-shifting, and does so through repetitive ebb and flow from night to day and from New to Full in predictable sequence. In this monthly dance, Soul connects with Spirit, calling in the unique qualities that she will reflect through mind and emotions. The current New Moon, standing with the Sun as described above, is at 9 Pisces 40. With 6 placements in Pisces, running from 9-28 degrees, sensitivities are high. The Sabian Symbol for this degree reads as follows: The Aviator sails across the sky, master of high realms.

The transiting Lunar Nodes, represented by the dragon's head and tail, travel backwards through the Zodiac and function in polarity. Rudhyar described the nodal line as a fateful, destined space. The North Node indicates that which one is challenged to achieve in life; the South Node suggests ancestral/inherited material available as resources. At this New Moon, the Mean (vs. True) Nodal Axis is Rx at 28 Pisces (North)-Virgo (South) 25. Having passed the World Axis point, the vision is reset with conscious intention for the next 18.6 year cycle.

ECLIPSES occur due to the relationships between the Sun, the Moon, the Nodal Axis, and the Earth. They occur with regularity during Eclipse Seasons that last 6-8 weeks. They occur in pairs or trios. Though the visual effect occurs on the day of, the influence can be felt before, during, and after, over a period of 3-6 months. The energies can be touched off by transits of key players to the "hot degree".
Solar Eclipses occur at New Moons, when the Moon blocks (eclipses) the Sun, creating an eerie shadow on the Earth's surface. Emotions and needs overpower logic, often creating new beginnings. Lunar Eclipses occur at Full Moons. The Earth passes between the opposing Sun and Moon, creating a shadow on the Moon's surface. Mundane events impact the landscape, the result often being endings. The exactitude of the alignment defines the type of eclipse (total, annular, partial appulse). Eclipses resonate at different levels of consciousness. Because eclipses involve the alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, in relation to the Nodal Axis of the Moon, eclipses often have a "destiny" quality to them as they highlight certain areas of the Zodiac. The Nodal Cycle is 18.6 years; the Lunar Nodes spend approximately 1.5 years in a sign. While there is a personal impact, with the position in the Zodiac determining focus, the mundane impact is obvious in the making of history, based on the section of Earth that holds the shadow. The 2024 Eclipses are still vibrating; the 2025 Eclipses are energies coming in. Of particular note is the March 29, 2025 Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries*. This is a hot degree, resonating by opposition with the Solar Eclipse at 10 + Libra on October 2, 2024, with Venus turning Rx at 10 Aries 50 on March 1, and with Mercury turning Rx at 9 Aries 35 on March 15.
March 25, 2024 Lunar Eclipse at 5 LI 07
- April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse at 19 AR 24
- September 17, 2024 Lunar Eclipse at 25 PI 41
- October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse at 10 LI 04
- March 14, 2025 Total Lunar at 23 VI 57
- March 29, 2025 Partial Solar at 9 AR 00*
- September 7, 2025 Total Lunar at 15 PI 22
- September 21, 2025 Partial Solar at 29 VI 05

Mercury, the messenger, brings in practical, clever, coordinated thinking. This planet symbolically gathers the details, processes and distributes information, and communicates solutions. Mercury is paired with Jupiter, as they rule opposite signs. Mercury has 3-4 Retrograde (Rx) cycles every year. Each Rx period lasts approximately 3 weeks, and each offers a period of reflection, recalibration, revision, and resolution. Under this influence, Mercury and the Sun exchange the message of a particular degree of the Zodiac. Mercury is restless, aiming to deliver the message and move on. Clever, agile, and appreciative of humor, Mercury will bring wisdom to the conversation with lightness and good will. At this New Moon, Mercury is Direct, traveling at 24 Pisces 40 in the Pisces cluster. Mercury will Station Rx on March 15 at 9 Aries 35.

Venus is the social healer, representing peace, harmony, and beauty. The energy of this planet is about cultivating grace and refinement, and formulating aesthetics within relationships and resources. Venus is paired with Mars, as they rule opposite signs. The cycle of Venus cycle is complex and mysterious, beginning while Retrograde as an Evening Star, moving through conjunctions with the Sun, and shifting from Evening Star to Morning Star, and back again. Similar to Mercury, the Venus cycle recalibrates the relationship to the Sun. After seven months of shining brilliantly, Venus Stations Rx on March 1 at 10 Aries 50, and begins a new cycle. She will remain Rx for the next 40 days.

Mars represents courage and the strength to meet challenges. This warrior archetype works with action, drive and motivation, and can pierce and penetrate in swift motion. At this New Moon, Mars is D at 17 Cancer 06, and will again oppose Pluto on April 26-27, 2025. Mars and Pluto together are extreme; the energies need to be channeled well.
The four major asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, are located in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and because of this placement in the planetary line-up, offer further insight into aspects of personality. Named after female goddesses, the asteroids are considered agents of transformation. Working with the potential of the Moon and the active feminine form of Venus, the asteroids represent basic functions necessary for integrating the principles of feminine consciousness into the psyche.

Ceres (discovered January 1, 1801 at 23 Taurus 23 Rx), operates on the principle of nurturance. Associated with the symbiotic child/mother relationship, Ceres represents creation, support, and sustenance for the physical body. Ceres has a 4.60 year orbital period, and is currently transiting Direct at 1 Pisces 12.

Pallas (discovered March 28, 1802 at 29 Virgo 57 Rx) is associated with the archetype of the daughter, envisioning and creating mental progeny and nurturing ideas that can be transformed into socially useful reality. Pallas has a 4.62 year orbital period and is currently transiting Direct at 3 Aquarius 35.

Juno (discovered September 1, 1804 at 2 Aries 29 Rx) is associated with the archetype of the wife, who has made a commitment to a union with another, and who understands the cycles of renewal and regeneration needed to keep the commitment. Juno has a 4.36 year orbital period, and is currently transiting Direct at 0 Sagittarius 50.

Vesta (discovered March 29, 1807 at 29 Virgo 05 Rx), is associated with the archetype of sister. She represents the self-contained woman, whole within herself, and fully committed to work or an ideal. Vesta has a 3.63 orbital period, and is currently transiting Direct at 16 Scorpio 31.

The Asteroid territory gives way to the social planet domain. Jupiter represents wisdom-filled thinking. As the archetype of the wise guru, Jupiter encourages big picture growth that expands the world view. Functioning best as a problem solver, planner, or project manager, Jupiter has vision and enthusiastically takes the leap to create something big and wonderful. At this New Moon, Jupiter is D at 12 Gemini 11. The expansion of plans and big ideas is turned outward again.

The second social planet is Saturn, the Limit Setter. Saturn operates on the principle of structure and form. While setting limits and boundaries, Saturn provides karmic payback if necessary. Saturn relates to time, records, and solidity. At this New Moon, Saturn is traveling D at 20 Pisces 34. In Pisces, Saturn emphasizes the advantages of building resilience and strength at all levels. Saturn encourages personal responsibility, and acknowledges the hard work involved. Reminders of Saturn's presence can be found everywhere, sometimes in the most unexpected places.

Discovered on Nov. 1, 1977, at 3 Taurus 08 Rx, Chiron is a minor planet/comet/dwarf planet located between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. Sometimes referred to as the bridge, the key to the soul, or the wounded healer, Chiron represents the audacious attempts to push forward and to heal, despite the wounds. It forms a bridge between the social limits of Saturn and the transpersonal realm of Uranus. Chiron encourages alchemical transformation, processing and integration. Rumi said: "The wound is the place where the Light enters you." Chiron has a 50 year orbit and is currently D at 20 Aries 33.

Where the inner planets represent aspects of personality development, the outer planets push toward the transpersonal, providing a container for deeper development of consciousness. The twists and turns of these bodies facilitate human evolution, sometimes disturbing peace of mind. Uranus, the Awakener, with its focus on intuitive consciousness, disrupts while aiming to awaken. It is associated with quick, unexpected change that is freeing. With its 84 year orbit, Uranus entered the sign of Taurus in March, 2019, and will remain there for 7 years, clarifying security, practicality, resources, and values. Uranus, full of surprises, provides the energy to break tradition. At this New Moon, Uranus is D at 23 Taurus 36.

Nebulous Neptune, with its focus on spiritual consciousness, embodies the archetype of the Magician. This energy can veil and it can push the veil away. It deceives or dissolves the deceptive factors so that gems of spiritual truths can surface. Spirituality involves the intrapersonal, the interpersonal, and the transpersonal, and Neptune excels at presenting the surreal dreamlike kaleidoscope of shifting reality to put us in touch with all three realms. Neptune is slow moving and reiterative, as it takes baby steps in 2-3 degree increments. Because Neptune uses compassion, imagination, and resonance to merge so subtly, Neptune's activation requires self-containment. At this New Moon, Neptune is transiting D at 28 Pisces 51, conjunct the North Node. Saturn is approaching a May 26, 2025 conjunction as well.

Unequivocal Pluto, with a focus on psychological consciousness, embodies the archetype of the Transformer. Pluto aims to challenge Saturn's redundant patterns. Transformation begins at the center of deep emotional reactions. Pluto brings to light things from the deepest recesses of the unconscious. Small but mighty, Pluto has been a major player since 2022. At this New Moon, Pluto is Direct at 2 Aquarius 51. The opposition with Mars will continue through April, 2025.
A set of bodies called DWARF PLANETS also orbit the Sun. Their orbital periods are extreme, as they are located in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune. Also known as Trans Neptunian Objects (TNOs), there are currently 10 Dwarf Planets that have been added to the astrological lexicon. As with previous planetary discoveries, their discovery over the last 20 years has brought forth new awareness and resonance with various aspects of consciousness. Diverse and global, they are listed alphabetically below, along with discovery year, consciousness focus, mythology source, and current location. (Symbols are still evolving, so none are included.)
- Eris (2005): Inclusion Consciousness; justice. Greek. 24 Aries 35.
- GongGong (2007): Empathic Consciousness. Chinese. 5 Pisces 35.
- Haumea (2005): Unity Consciousness; motherly commitment. Hawaiian. 3 Scorpio 01 Rx.
- Ixion (2001): The Seeker Consciousness, authenticity. Greek. 7 Capricorn 13.
- MakeMake (2005): Systems Consciousness; manifestation. Easter Island. 11 Libra 19 Rx.
- Orcus (2004): Karmic Consciousness. Roman. 16 Virgo 27 Rx.
- Quaoar (2002): Spirit Consciousness; omnibenificence. Native American; 11 Capricorn 02.
- Salacia (2004): Higher Love Consciousness; presence. Roman; 9 Aries 53.* Hot Degree!
- Sedna (2003): Soul Consciousness; transcendence. Inuit. 0 Gemini 07.
- Varuna (2000): Mastery Consciousness; good citizenship. Hindu. 8 Leo 23 Rx.